Page 400 - Cam General 15-16-17-18-19
P. 400
Sample Writing answers
This model has been prepared by an examiner as an example of a ve叩 good answer.
Dιa「 ~i「 O「 Madam,
lam 怀ιite.c\ to bι 彻忖1n9 work eiperienαat tne \Z-\ZN Broadιafitin9ιorpo「ation on 10 un巳 and
I would lik巳 to tnank ~OU ve.叫 muιh for tnifi opportuni叫, l am 9「atefu\ to nav巳 tnιιnanιιto gain
f>Omιinfii9nt into tnιindufit~ I wifin to work in onιdal
问 l mιntion巳din mi int巳「viιw, I am efipιιia\\i int巳「巳fitιd in ιommuni叫 Mιvifiion and would \ovιto
build on mi fikillfi in fiound en9in巴巴「in9. Befiidefi tnifi, I am l1opin9 to develop mi f>O行 fiki\\fi in a「ιafi
f>Uιh afi teamwork, problem f>Olvin9 andι忏ιdiveιommuniιation.
I Wafi wondering if it nafi b巴巴n d比id巳d wniιh team I wi\\ bιworking witn and wnetner I wi\\ nav巳 a
mento「 afifii9nιd to me. I would \ik巳 to p「巳parιanead of timιif pofifiib\e bi doing fiome 「巳fiea「ιh
I alw wantιd to dari句 wnetner I wi\\ bιat tnιfitudio in Nιwt own o「 tnιneadqua忖巳「f, in tne
ιl叫 ι巳nt「巳
I am looking forward to nea「in9 from iOU.
kind rι9ardfi
Here are comments from another examiner:
This is a strong response to the task; it addresses all three bullet points and uses a
suitable tone to communicate with the manager of the organisation. The response
is presented in the correct letter format, with an appropriate ending, and there is
clear progression th 「oughout the letter.
The range of vocabula叩 is wide and precise [ga的 some insight into I develop my
soft skills I mentor assignedJ, without errors. The w「iting contains a wide range
of st「uctures, including conditionals [if] and passives [it has been decidec巧, with
accurate multi-clause sentences.
This is a good example of a highe「- level response.