Page 403 - Cam General 15-16-17-18-19
P. 403

Sample Writing answers

           TEST  3,  WRITING  TASK 2

           This model has been prepared by an examiner as an example of a ve叩 good answer.

           It if>  inιre-af>ingliιommon for pιople- to hold down  morιthan onιjob. 白onιa「e, thιdaif> whιn
           pιople-ιould 「e-\i on  onιf>OUrιιof inιome- to f>atif>fi  all  the-i「 financial n巴巴df>. I would li\::e- to
           ιOnf>id巳r the- 「e-af>onf> for thif> ιhange- and outline- itf>  advantage-fl and  dif>advantagιs

           ?ιople- ta\::e- onι对「a wor\::  bιιauf>ιma\::ingιndf> me-巳f haf>  bιιom巳 f>Oιhalle-n9in9. In  「eαnt ie-a「S
           thιιof>t of living haf> rif>e-n  e-r-ponιntia\li, ma\::ing  it a rιalιhallιnge- to  br巳a\:: e-vιn at th巴巴nd of the-
           month. Mditional\i, adve-rtif>ingιompanie-f> 「e-\e-ntle-f>f>li promote- the- idea that morιwealth m巳anf>
           morιhappine-f>f>, aιonι咐 that mani  pιop\ιb巳Ii巳V巴, Toe-i mai take- on free-Ianαjobf> or w巴巴比nd
           work in thιhopιof imp「oving their lot in lifo.
           A pe-rf>on  with  mo「e- than  onιjob maiι叩6「|巳nιe- f>e-ve-ral  be-ne-fitf>. Div巳「f>ifiing iour f>Killf>  and
           gaining mo「e, e-r-p巳「l巳nιιιan ma问 iOU mor巴巴mploiabl巳 when nιgotiating thιhigh Iiιompe-titive-job
           mark时队.voiding pu忖ing all iOUrιggf> in  onιbaf>K时 if> alf>o  a wif>e- movιaf> iOU  havιf>Omιthing to
           fall  baιK on  if onιf>OUrιe- of inιome- 纣opf>.
           Toe-re- are- alf>o  mani  downf>id伪 to thif> f>ituation. Working for mor巳 than onιιompaniιan quiι\::Ii
           iιave- a p巳「f>On foιling ov巳「worked and burnt out.  It alw lιave-5 limit巳d time- for bιing with famili
           and friιndf> 0「 doing thingf> iOU e-njoi. What’s mor院 when iOU  a「巳 5pre-ad too thin. iOU mai  produα
           poor-quali叫 WO「忆,

           Ov巳「all, I think it if>  impo付ant to  r巳main balanιιd Having an  additional  wu「ιιof inιome-ιan bι
           bιn巳fiιial if iOU  kιιp WO「K in  itf>  plaα, but it if>  not worth  damaging iOU「 health and 「巳lationf>hipf>
           for the- flakιof a 色lightli large-「 bank balanιι.

           Here are comments from another examiner:

                This is a strong response. The candidate has addressed both questions and provided
                a range of extended ideas.

                The reasons given for having more than one job include the need to earn more to
                keep up with the [cost of living] and the idea, sold to people by adve叫ising , that we
                should earn as much as possible [more wealth means more happ的ess].

                The pros and cons of having more than one job are well covered. Advantages include
                increasing your skills and experience to make you more employable and avoiding
                putting [a// your eggs 的 one baske巧 in case you lose one job. Disadvantages include
                feeling [overworked] o「 [burnt ou可. and l伽ited time] to spend with family and friends
                and on hobbies, and producing [poor-quality work].

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