Page 406 - Cam General 15-16-17-18-19
P. 406

Sample Writing answers

          TEST 4,  WRITING  TASK 2

          This model has been prepared by an examiner as an example of a ve叩 good answer.

           It is truιthat nothing  in  life.  is  permanent 怀ιeptιhange. C..hang伪 in f>Dιl内 and our  own  \ivιs
           ar巳 in巳vitable. We  all  g时 old肘, f「ienas and famil1  movιaw叫, and ourιmplo1m巳nt situation  ιan
           suaaenl1ιhang巴, Una巳「stanaabl1, man1  pιoplιwish e-v巳叫thingιoula sta1  thιsame.  In  this essa1,  !
          would  likιto ιonsia巳「 thιrιasons fo「 this viιw and 怀plain wh1  it is  b巳忖巳r to  emb「aι6ιhangι.

          协!anting to foe\  inιontrol of our liv巳S is pιrfιdl1 no「ma\. W巳 0科ιn fe,e\  vulnerablιwhen events in
           soιi肉。ιιu「 whiιh are  b叫ona ourιont「ol or when  wιιannot be surιof the  outιome of somιthing.
          To巳 unι巳忖ain叫 ιausea 问 the  C..OV!D-1q  panaemiιis anιiampk of this. ιhanges in  ou「 personal
          ιirwmstanιesιan also  bιhara to  aιιιpt. fo「巳iamplιwhen a f1「iena or famil1  member movιsaw叫,
          W巳 ma1 eipe「ienιe a d巴巴p sιns巳 of loss. I「oniιa\11, ιven goodιhangιsιan b「ing unι巳忖ain叫. If w巳
          rιιιiv巳 a p「omotion, we  ma1  stru99Iιwith impo纣巳「叫narome and  wrest\ιwith a fe,a「 of failure.
          Pιspitιthese p巳「fe.d\1 natural h巳lings, ! think  it is  good to  embral巳 ιhange. '$inιιιhangιis
          unavoidable,  it is muιh bι忖6「 to aιι巳pt r巳alit1 than  to  bιιomιιonsumea b1  nιgative thinking.
          When  wι 「巳main positive,时 ma1 find that aιhangιadual\1 bιnefits us  in  the long run.  Ma肘ing
          toιhangιalso helps us  develop 「伪ilienι巴, a qua Ii叫 that ιan help  us faι巳 an obstade and s巴巴 an
           oppo忖uni叫 in it.
           As highlighted above,  soon巳「 O「 lat肘, wιwill all faιιιhange. Whileιhange is  unsettling,  it is vital
          to  keep foιusιd on  th巳 positiv巳 asp巳ds of ou「 ιi「ιumstanιιs Doing  f>D ιan help us  unloιk nιw
           oppo忖uniti巳S we  aian’t  know  wιre availablιto US.
           Here a「e comments from another examiner:

               This essay is a high-level response that covers all aspects of the question. In the
               second paragraph, reasons are presented on why people in society as a whole and
               individuals might resist change. Then, the third paragraph gives clear reasons to
               suggest that, overall, this is a positive process. The position is consistent and the
               conclusion ties both areas together for a strong finish.

               Ideas are logically organised. Cohesive devices (Ironically I Despite these I
               As highlighted above I Doing so can] are used highly e忏ectively and paragraphing
               is helpful.

               Vocabulary is natural and sophisticated [embrace change I deep sense of
               loss I consumed by negative thinking I develop resilience].  Sentence structure
               demonstrates full flexibility, with a wide range of complex examples within a range
               of largely error-free multi-clause sentences.

               Little needs to be added to improve the rating other than possibly an example to
               illustrate why changes should be seen as positive, in the thi「d paragraph. However,
               this is ave「y good high-level response.
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