Page 283 - גנזי קדם יא
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24* José Martínez Delgado
12:6); ( ְו ִאיׁש ֱאמּו ִנים ִמי ִי ְמ ָצאProv 20:6); [1v] ( ֱאמּו ִנים ֹנ ֵצר ייPs 31:24); ִּכי ַפּסּו ֱאמּו ִנים
(Ps 12:2); ( ְּב ָכל ֵּבי ִתי ֶנ ֱא ָמן הּואNum 12:7); ( ִק ְר ָיה ֶנ ֱא ָמ ָנהIsa 1:21); ְׁש ֻל ֵמי ֱאמּו ֵני ִיְׂש ָר ֵאל
(Sam 2 20:19): its meaning is “trust” and “good faith.”
( ֵמ ִסיר ָׂש ָפה ְל ֶנ ֱא ָמ ִניםJob 12:20), “the eloquent” and “the well-spoken.”
( ְו ֶנ ְא ַמן ֵּבי ְתָךSam 2 7:16), “he will endure” and “he will consolidate.”
From this is derived the meaning: ( ַו ֲא ָמ ָנה ַעל ַה ְמׁ ֹש ְר ִריםNeh 11:23),
“permanent daily wages.”
( ּ ֹכ ְר ִתים ֲא ָמ ָנהNeh 10:1), “everlasting pact.”
( ְּב ָמק ֹום ֶנ ֱא ָמןIsa 22:23), “strong,” “firm.”
( ְּג ֹדֹלת ו ֶנ ֶא ְמנּותDe 28:59), “steady,” “continuous.” The Arabs say nāqih
’amūn for a she-camel to be steadfast, which is safe to stumble.
( ַהַאף ֻא ְמ ָנםGen 18:14); ( ִּכי ַה ֻא ְמ ָנם ֵיֵׁשב ֱאֹל ִהיםKgs 1 8:27); ( ְו ַגם ָא ְמ ָנהGen
20:12); ( ָא ֵמן ָא ֵמןNum 5:22), “true, truly.”
( ַו ְי ִהי ָי ָדיו ֱאמּו ָנהExod 17:12), “straight.”
( ּ ַכ ֲאֶׁשר ִיׂ ָּשא ָה ֹא ֵמןNum 11:12); ( ַוִּתׂ ָּש ֵאהּו ֹא ַמ ְנּת ֹוSam 2 4:4); ָה ֱא ֻמ ִנים ֲע ֵלי ת ֹו ָלע
(Lam 4:5); ( ְבָא ְמ ָנה ִאּת ֹוEst 2:20); ( ַעל ַצד ֵּתָא ַמ ָנהIsa 60:4); ( ָו ֶא ְה ֶיה ֶא ְצל ֹו ָאמ ֹוןProv
8:30), “bringing up a child.”
( ְו ֶאל ָה ֹא ְמ ִנים ַא ְחָאבKgs 2 10:15), “his viziers.”
( ְו ֶאת ָה ֹא ְמנ ֹות ֲאֶׁשר ִצָּפהKgs 2 18:16), “the pillars.”
( ַמ ֲעֵׂשה ְי ֵדי ָאָּמןSong 7:2), “artisan,” “master.”
2. T-S Ar 5.50 [394]:57 Judaeo-Arabic; Oriental square script; paper; 1
leaf; mutilated, badly stained, and rubbed; 22.1 x 14.1; 23 lines. Kitāb al-
Taysīr, including בלת, בם, בנה, בנט, בסר, בעה, בעט, בעל, and בער. Parallel to KT
There are very few differences from the text in the Firk. The Ebr. I 77
copy was used as the basis for the 2010 edition, except in the spelling of
the citations in Aramaic under the root בעה, which were Hebraicized in this
57 The number in brackets corresponds with the description given by Colin
F. Baker and Meira Polliack in Arabic and Judaeo-Arabic Manuscripts in the
Cambridge Genizah Collections, Arabic Old Series (T-S Ar. 1a-54) (Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 2001).