Page 279 - גנזי קדם יא
P. 279

28* José Martínez Delgado

          ‫( ּו ֹב ֶסר ֹּג ֵמל‬Isa 18:5); ‫( ַי ְח ֹמס ּ ַכּ ֶג ֶפן ִּב ְסר ֹו‬Job 15:33), is “the pollen,” i.e., what has
     not become ripe. ‫( ָה ֹא ֵכל ַהּ ֹב ֶסר‬Jer 31:29), “unripe and sour grapes.”

          ‫( ִאם ִּת ְב ָעיּון ְּב ָעיּו‬Isa 21:12); ‫( ִנ ְבעּו ַמ ְצּ ֻפ ָניו‬Obad 1:6); similar to Aramaic ‫ּו ְבע ֹו‬
     (Dan 2:13); ‫( ְו ָד ִנֵּיאל ְּב ָעה‬Dan 2:49); ‫( ְו ָד ִנֵּיאל ַעל ּו ְב ָעה‬Dan 2:16); its meaning is “to
     request,” and the targum of ‫ ַו ְי ַבֵּקׁש‬is ‫ּו ְב ָעא‬.
          Another meaning: ‫( ַמ ִים ִּת ְב ֶעה ֵאׁש‬Isa 64:1), “the bubbling and the
     evaporating” that develops in water when boiling. ‫( ִנ ְב ֶעה ְּבח ֹו ָמה‬Isa 30:13), “a
     blast in the wall.” ‫( ְׁש ִחין ֲא ַב ְעּ ֻב ֹעת‬Exod 9:10), “swellings in the body.”

          ‫( ַוִּיְׁש ַמן ְיׁ ֻשרּון ַוִּי ְב ָעט‬Deut 32:15), “he became fat and exceeded.” ‫ָלָּמה ִת ְב ֲעטּון‬
     (Cf. 1 Sam 2:29), “you scorn and rebuke.” <In Arabic> exceeding (’ib‘āṭ) is
     being excessive in ignorance.

          ‫( ְּב ָעלּונּו ֲא ֹד ִנים‬Isa 26:13); ‫( ּו ְב ָע ָלּה‬Deut 24:1); ‫( ָּב ֲעלּו ְלמ ֹוָאב‬Chr 1 4:22); ‫ִּכי ִי ְב ַעל‬
     ‫( ָּבחּור ְּבתּו ָלה ִי ְב ָעלּוְך ָּב ָנ ִיְך‬Isa 62:5); ‫( ִּכי ֹב ֲע ַל ִיְך ֹעַׂש ִיְך‬Isa 54:5); ‫( ּו ְלַא ְר ֵצְך ְּבעּו ָלה‬Isa 62:4);
     ‫( ְּב ֻע ַלת ָּב ַעל‬Gen 20:3); ‫( ְוַא ְר ֵצְך ִּתָּב ֵעל‬Isa 62:4); ‫( ִּכי ָא ֹנ ִכי ָּב ַע ְלִּתי ָב ֶכם‬Jer 3:14); ‫ַּב ַעל‬
     ‫( ִּפי ִפּי ֹות‬Isa 41:15); ‫( ְּב ָע ָליו ִעּמ ֹו‬Exod 22:14); its real meaning is “the owner” and
     “the owners.” ‫( ָא ֹנ ִכי ָּב ַע ְלִּתי ָב ֶכם‬Jer 3:14), “I became tired of them and weary of
     being their master”; a variant of ‫( ָּב ֲח ָלה ִבי‬Zech 11:8).
          […]70 “the idols”; ‫ ַּב ַעל‬in Arabic is ṣanam (“idol”).

          ‫( ַהַּמ ְב ִעיר ֶאת ַהְּב ֵעי ָרה‬Exod 22:5), <in the Book of Hebrew Roots, Abū-l-
     Walīd> referred to it […].71

      70	 2010 edition reads: Another meaning is ‫( ַב ַעל ְּפע ֹור‬Deut 4:3); ‫ְׁשמ ֹות ַהְּב ָע ִלים‬
              (Hos 2:19).

      71	 2010 edition reads: [in the fourth definition of this root, which is “to let
              cattle graze freely”; however, it is not derived from that, but from the first,
              which is “to set on fire”].
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