Page 11 - Traction Distribution
P. 11

Fig:  Chittinad Cement Siding.

                Energisation of By-pass line at MTMI:

                 Energisation of  by-pass line OHE connecting mainline at KZJ end in BKL-MTMI
                 section  to MTMI-JNPD branch line of 2.10 TKM done on 05.09.2021, after duly
                 obtaining  the  EIG  sanction  with  EIG  sanction  no.  2106007,  dated:03.06.2021
                 which will avoid the loco reversal at MTMI.

                                          Fig:  NI working at MTMI by-Pass

                Electrification of new loading line at ZN yard:

                 New loading line of 117 Mts laid at ZN yard for easing the loading activities.
                 The electrification for new line with tramway OHE Done by TrD.

                                               Fig : New line electrification work at ZN yard

                Charging of New SSP at MTPI:

                 The  electrification  between  PDPL-NZB  commenced  by  RE  organisation  and
                 electrification  up  to  MRTD  was  completed  in  the  month  of  March-2021  in
                 phased  manner.  As  a  part  of  this  work  new  SSP  to  be  commissioned  at

                 Metpally (MTPI) for sectioning purpose. Same was competed and charged on
                 30.06.2021  after  duly  completing  the  testing,  attaining  the  EIG  approval  with
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