Page 9 - Traction Distribution
P. 9
Meters Equipment
Sirpurkhagazn Commissioned
11 TS tendering work Completed erection work
agar (SKZR) On 03.12.2019
under progress completed
12 WIRR MH Available Available Completed under open
Meters Equipment
Ghanpur Commissioned
13 TS tendering work Completed erection work
(GNP) On 01.02.2020
under progress completed
Meters Equipment
14 Aler (ALER) TS tendering work Commissioned Completed erection work
On 04.02.2020
under progress completed
Meters Commissioned Foundations Foundations to
15 Ghatkesar (GT) TS tendering work On 21.04.2020 to be done be done
under progress
Meters Equipment
Sanathnagar Commissioned
16 TS tendering work Completed erection work
(SNF) On 19.02.2020
under progress completed
Meters Equipment
Vikarabad Commissioned
17 TS tendering work Completed erection work
(VKB) On 13.02.2020
under progress completed
Meters Commissioned Connection
18 Tandur (TDU) TS Completed
Available On 13.03.2020 not given.
ABT meters not
Malkhaid Road Meters Commissioned
19 KA Completed available on
(MQR) Available On 21.04.2020
SEB side.
KothaPalli ABT meters not commissioning Equipment
20 TS Completed erection work
(KHPI) available. under progress of
PDPL-LPJL Section completed.
List of sidings proposed for electrification in SC Division
Station Name of Section TKM y of Physical progress/ siding electrif remarks
OHE erection
M/s completed and
1 Sedam Vasavidatta SC- 6.654 Servo commissioning held
Cements up due to public
2 Tirumalgiri
Secunderabad SC-KZJ 10 -- --
military siding
NTPC diesel locos
Thermal B
3 Ramgundam KZJ-BPQ 5.3 -- are working
power House
FCI(Sri sai DPR approved from
4 Peddapalli balaji KZJ-BPQ 2.2 -- TRD side on
warehouse) 26.02.2013