Page 8 - Traction Distribution
P. 8
TSS wise Status of ABT meter works:
WIRUR traction sub-station has already been brought under Open Access,
which has resulted in savings of Electrical Charges by 45 Crores, since
December 2015.
ABT Meters status in the Division:
ABT meters erection work is envisage going for open access. 21 Crores
Payment made to SEBs. The status of work at different TSS is enumerated below.
Status of Any other
S.n Name of the Status of ABT Provision of E-1
o TSS State meters Channel related Civil related works
works started
Tender floated To be
1 Kondapalli (KI) AP for ABT meters Commissioned by Completed Work
by APSEB. BZA Division
Meters Equipment
2 Bonakalu (BKL) TS tendering work Commissioned on Completed erection work
under progress 15.05.2020 completed
Meters Equipment
Dornakallu Commissioned on
3 TS tendering work Completed erection work
(DKJ) 09.05.2020
under progress completed
Meters Equipment
Nekkonda Commissioned on
4 TS tendering work Completed erection work
(NKD) 03.01.2020
under progress completed
Meters Equipment
Bhadrachalam Commissioned on
5 TS tendering work Completed erection work
Road (BDCR) Dec-2019.
under progress under progress
RTU not received
in Open Access
account, same
MattamPalli Meters Work
6 TS was advised to Completed
(MTMP) Available completed
CR &
M/s. SSS for
Meters Equipment
7 Kazipet (KZJ) TS tendering work Commissioned Completed erection work
on 07.12.2019
under progress completed
Meters Equipment
Jammikunta Commissioned
8 TS tendering work Completed erection work
(JMKT) On 27.11.2019
under progress completed
Meters Equipment
Ramagundam Commissioned
9 TS tendering work Completed erection work
(RDM) on 04.11.2019
under progress completed
Meters Equipment
Bellampalli Commissioned
10 TS tendering work Completed erection work
(BPA) On 03.12.2019
under progress completed