Page 73 - The Pocket Guide to Equine Knots
P. 73


  Eye Splice
  The eye splice is the first one I’d recommend learning, because it’s handy in so many ways.

  You can use it to make a lead rope, to make a loop at the end of a picket rope that’s easily
  attached to a rock or tree—just pull the end of the rope through the loop around the object
  —and you can improvise a lasso with it should one be needed.

     It’s easy to make an eye splice with three-strand rope. Just unravel six inches or so and
  loop the intact portion of the rope around into the size eye splice you want (step 1).
     It can be helpful to put a wrap of electrical tape around the standing portion of the rope
  as a divider between it and the unraveled portion. The tape prevents additional unraveling

  while you’re working. And, if you’re using a natural fiber rope, you might want to put a wrap
  of  tape  around  the  end  of  each  unraveled  strand  to  make  them  easier  to  insert  under
  strands  of  the  standing  portion.  With  synthetic  rope  you  may  wish  to  burn  each  end,  but
  with care—melted synthetic strands can be dangerously hot until they cool.

                                                     Eye splice, step 1.

     First insert the middle strand of those you’ve unraveled under one strand of the standing
  portion (step 2). This first tuck determines the size of the “eye.” Then rotate the rope to one

  side and insert the second strand over the same strand but under the next (step 3).
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