Page 9 - HSE -Zero is Possible_v1.0
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Bulacan Cement Plant
       Energy & Water

       Engage with sun and                                                                                  PHILIPPINES

       lagoon to save 500 kCHF/y                                                                                Cement

       Opportunity            Results
       To recycle water, optimize   From 2020 to 2022, we
       the existing quarry lagoon   have achieved 90% of
       and to eliminate purchase   specific water withdrawal
       of water and water     reduction.
       withdrawal from the river.   •   1 MCHF saving from
       Back in 2018, water     water sourcing
       withdrawal used        •   75 kCHF saving from
       for operations was      the solar-powered water
       ~ 5,000 m /day.         harvesting system
       Solution               Proper maintenance                                                        Horia Adrian
       •  Installation of closed-loop   programs for these                                                 CEO
        water cooling system in    facilities are needed to
        3 major areas (Kiln/Cooler,   ensure 100% reliability of
        Raw Mill, Finish Mill)  the system.
        o  Cost 238 kCHF,
         payback in 1 year
       •   Optimization of lagoon
        as main water supply
        with 10 kilowatt solar-                                                                      Catherine Joy Guinto
        powered water pump                                                                              Head of HSE
        o  Cost 24 kCHF,
         payback in 6 months

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