Page 11 - HSE -Zero is Possible_v1.0
P. 11

Sonfonia Grinding Station

       Savings with grinding:                                                                             W. AFRICA

       smashing down costs                                                                                    CLUSTER  Cement

       and emissions

       Opportunity            Results
       To reduce diesel       •  Diesel consumption
       consumption by          eliminated from 4.42 L/t
       optimizing the vertical   in 2021
       mill hot gas generator.  •   Cost saving from 2021
                               to 2023 of 2.7 CHF/t
       Solution               •   CO2 emissions reduction
       •  Separate grinding to   from 6.2 to 0.1 kgCO2/t
        produce CEMII cements  since 2021                                                             Bruno S. Hounkpati
       •  Optimization of water                                                                          CEO Guinea
        injection for grinding
        bed stability
       •  Elimination of air
        in-leakage into the                          Specific Thermal Energy Consumption
        grinding circuit                             (2021 to 2023)

                                                                                                       Thierno O. Diallo
                                                                                                        Head of HSE

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