Page 13 - HSE -Zero is Possible_v1.0
P. 13

Dujiangyan Cement Plant

       High efficiency

       equipment, sound                                                                                     CHINA  Cement

       investment toward costs
       and emissions

       Opportunity            Results
       To reduce electrical   •  Improved feeding of
       energy usage by         3 raw mills, reducing air
       optimizing fans and     in-leakage by 50%:
       blowers.                o saving 345 MWh/year
                               o -2,000 tonnes of CO 2
       Solution               •  Upgrading of 12 roots                                                    Mark Lo
       Energy saving and       blowers to magnetic                                                         CEO
       Scope 2 CO 2 reduction   levitation fans, reducing
       achieved through fan    the noise <85db:
       renovation and air in-  o   saving 20% or
       leakage management.
                                 110 MWh/year
                               o -640 tonnes of CO 2
                              •  Replaced 12 ordinary
                               fans with high-                                                           Yiyu Dong
                               efficiency fans:                                                         Head of HSE
                               o   saving 1050 MWh/year
                               o - 6,100 tonnes of CO 2

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