Page 10 - HSE -Zero is Possible_v1.0
P. 10

VADOR           El Ronco Cement Plant

                           43 thousand barrels
           EL SAL  Cement  of fuel saved each year

                           To reduce energy        Results
                                                   •  Expected impact is of
                           consumption from the     17 MWp, which
                           use of fossil fuels.     represents 21% of
                                                    the energy required
                           Solution                 to operate the El
                           Installation of a solar-  Ronco Cement plant,
                           powered facility to      eliminating 43,000
                           convert solar radiation   barrels of fuel oil per year
      Rodrigo Gallardo     into electricity suitable   •  Total emissions savings
          CEO              for use.                 of 8,600 tCO2/year

        Jorge Peña
      Head of Geocycle
       & Sustainable

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