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GW Pharmaceuticals plc               purified, plant-derived cannabidiol (CBD),  cal program. “I am delighted that my  with LGS and Dravet syndrome.
                                             a cannabinoid lacking the high associated
                                                                                  physician colleagues and I will now have
                                                                                                                        “For those living with intractable
        and its U.S. Subsidiary              with marijuana, and the first in a new cat-  the option of a prescription cannabidiol  seizures caused by LGS and Dravet syn-
        Greenwich Biosciences                egory of anti-epileptic drugs (AEDs).  that has undergone the rigor of controlled  drome, EPIDIOLEX represents a true
                                             Product availability is pending reschedul-
                                                                                  trials and been approved by the FDA to
                                                                                                                      medical advancement,” said Philip
        Announce FDA Approval                ing which is expected to occur within 90  treat both children and adults.”  Gattone, president and CEO of the
                                                                                                                      Epilepsy Foundation.  “Clinical develop-
                                                                                   “LGS and Dravet syndrome are two of
        of EPIDIOLEX®                          “Today’s approval of EPIDIOLEX is a  the most severe and difficult-to-treat forms  ment for these rare and severe conditions
        (cannabidiol) oral solu-             historic milestone, offering patients and  of childhood-onset epilepsy. These chil-  is essential, and today’s news brings hope
                                             their families the first and only FDA-
                                                                                  dren and their families face a long and
                                                                                                                      for these patients and their families that a
        tion – the First Plant-              approved CBD medicine to treat two   challenging road and very few achieve ade-  new treatment option may have the poten-
        derived Cannabinoid                  severe, childhood-onset epilepsies,” said  quate seizure control,” said Elizabeth  tial to help better control their seizures.”
                                                                                  Thiele, M.D., director of the pediatric
                                             Justin Gover, GW’s Chief Executive
                                                                                                                        EPIDIOLEX will be marketed in the
        Prescription Medicine                Officer. “This approval is the culmination  epilepsy program at Massachusetts  U.S. by Greenwich Biosciences, the U.S.
                                                                                  General Hospital, professor of neurology
                                                                                                                      subsidiary of GW Pharmaceuticals plc. As
                                             of GW’s many years of partnership with
        Approval for seizures associated     patients, their families, and physicians in  at Harvard Medical School and a lead  part of the approval process, EPIDIOLEX
                                             the epilepsy community to develop a  investigator in the EPIDIOLEX clinical  must be rescheduled from its current
        with Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome         much needed, novel medicine. These   program. “Based on numerous clinical tri-  Schedule I before it can be made available
        or Dravet Syndrome, two rare,        patients deserve and will soon have access  als, this medication may help meet the  to patients. Rescheduling is expected to
                                             to a cannabinoid medicine that has been
                                                                                  need for this specific pediatric patient pop-
                                                                                                                      occur within 90 days. Access is expected
        severe childhood-onset epilepsies    thoroughly studied in clinical trials, man-  ulation and is now the first to be approved  to be similar to other branded AEDs and
                                             ufactured to assure quality and consisten-  by the FDA in Dravet syndrome.”  EPIDIOLEX is expected to be available to
          LONDON and CARLSBAD, Calif., June  cy, and available by prescription under a  The EPIDIOLEX clinical development  appropriate patients by Fall 2018. More
        25, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- GW      physician’s care.”                   program included three randomized, con-  information  can  be  found  at
        Pharmaceuticals plc (Nasdaq:GWPH)      LGS and Dravet syndrome, which devel-  trolled Phase 3 clinical trials and an open-
        (“GW,” “the Company” or “the Group”), a  op in childhood, are rare, severe forms of  label extension study. In the Phase 3 stud-  Outside the U.S., this medicine is cur-
        biopharmaceutical company focused on  epilepsy that are notoriously treatment-  ies, published in The New England  rently under review by the European
        discovering, developing and commercial-  resistant.1,2 Most patients with LGS and  Journal of Medicine7,8 and Lancet9,  Medicines Agency (EMA) for the treat-
        izing novel therapeutics from its propri-  Dravet syndrome require multiple seizure  EPIDIOLEX added to other antiepileptic  ment of seizures associated with LGS and
        etary cannabinoid product platform, along  medications and the majority are resistant  therapies significantly reduced the fre-  Dravet Syndrome. An EMA decision on
        with its U.S. subsidiary Greenwich   to currently approved AEDs.2,3,4 The  quency of seizures in patients with LGS  whether to recommend approval is expect-
        Biosciences, announced today that the  day-to-day impact of these conditions is  and Dravet syndrome. The most common  ed in the first quarter of 2019.
        U.S. Food and Drug Administration    significant with high rates of early mortal-  adverse reactions that occurred in EPIDI-
        (FDA) has approved EPIDIOLEX®        ity.5,6                              OLEX-treated patients were somnolence;    For more information on Dravet syn-
        (cannabidiol) oral solution for the treat-  “In my practice, I often see patients with  decreased appetite; diarrhea; transaminase  drome and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome,
        ment of seizures associated with Lennox-  these highly treatment-resistant epilepsies  elevations; fatigue, malaise, and asthenia;  including community support, please visit
        Gastaut syndrome (LGS) or Dravet syn-  who have tried and failed existing thera-  rash; insomnia, sleep disorder and poor  the Dravet Syndrome Foundation at
        drome in patients two years of age or  pies and are asking about CBD,” said Orrin  quality sleep; and infections.  The compa- and the Lennox-
        older. EPIDIOLEX is the first prescription  Devinsky, M.D., of NYU Langone Health’s  ny’s development program represents the  Gastaut Syndrome Foundation
        pharmaceutical formulation of highly-  Comprehensive Epilepsy Center and a  only well-controlled clinical evaluation of      at
                                             lead investigator in the EPIDIOLEX clini-  a cannabinoid medication for patients

       Physician Advocate, Education Key to Helping
                                                                                                                           Curaleaf Opens
       Patients Gain Access to Medical Cannabis                                                                              First Medical

       Continued from page 32               recommend medical cannabis, but many  says that those who are in favor of medical   Cannabis
        need,” he added.                    choose not to or can’t because of the hos-  cannabis still face an uphill battle in
         Patients who turn to the black market  pital system with which they are affiliat-  Florida.                       Dispensary with
        for pain relief won’t find what they need,  ed,” he explained. “Some aren’t comfort-  “The Republican leaders, including Gov.
        according to Dr. Gordon, because no one  able with it because it wasn’t taught in  Rick Scott and Surgeon General and  Drive Thru Service
        provides a combined THC/CBD product.  medical school.                    Secretary of the Florida Department of
        “The CBD component and other helpful  “Not all practices are equal, though, so  Health Celeste Philip, push back at every  in Florida
        cannabinoids have been bred out because  do your research,” he added. “Find out if  level,” he said. “Even though John Morgan
        they diminish the intoxicant effects of  this is something that the doctor does  won his smoking case, the state appealed  Curaleaf has introduced its newest
        THC,” he explained. “They can’t get THC  every day; check their references, and even  within minutes. In another trial about the  customer service feature – online
        in the CBD world, because in the 30 CBD  see what people have to say on Facebook.”  right to grow cannabis, despite winning,  ordering and drive thru service for
        shops in Sarasota County that sell hemp-  Patients shouldn’t be embarrassed about  we have to go to the Supreme Court to tes-  existing customers at its Palm Harbor
        based products, including smokable hemp  asking how cannabis can help, either.  tify again.                    dispensary.
        flower, those products have less than a .3  “Thirty-three percent of my patients have  “This will continue as long as we have  Curaleaf’s Palm Harbor dispensary
        percent level of THC. And you don’t know  never used cannabis before,” said Dr.  Republican leaders,” he said, adding that  offers existing customers the conven-
        if the products are clean or have mold or  Gordon. “They never even knew anyone  he invites politicians of all parties to visit  ience of placing orders for premium
        fungus.                             who used it! They are fascinated that peo-  his clinic to learn more about the benefits  quality medical cannabis products
         “Only in the legitimate medical cannabis  ple can use it and still pay bills and raise  of medical cannabis.   online with the option to pick up
        world, which is very regulated, can you get  kids.                         “I see remarkable results every day,” he  orders at dispensary’s secure drive thru
        both,” he added. “And every patient   “The fact is, medical cannabis is not a  added. “I love conventional healthcare,  area, in the dispensary or via same-day
        deserves to have a safer product.” Dr.  social destructor,” he added. “I’ve never  but there needs to be an alternative to opi-  or next-day delivery service. First-time
        Gordon suggests that new patients first ask  had to resuscitate a cannabis addict in the  oids to help people.”  patients are required to visit dispensa-
        their own doctors to recommend medical  ER, or treat a wife who was beaten up by                               ry for a private consultation and
        cannabis, but if that is unsuccessful, to  her husband while he was on cannabis.  To learn more, visit or  encouraged to take advantage of edu-
        contact him or any of the other doctors on  I’ve never lost a professional partner to  follow CompassionatecannabisClinicofVenice  cational resources available on
        the state’s medical cannabis website.   cannabis, like I have to drugs or alcohol.”              on Facebook.  cannabinoid therapies in its communi-
         “Any doctor in the state can sign up to  Despite its positive effects, Dr. Gordon                             ty meeting room.

        26                       July 2018                                                                                                                              South Florida Hospital News
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