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Danna-Gracey: Cultivating Insurance Solutions for Cannabis Companies

        Continued from page 32               negligence claim be made against you.  general public as part of your operations,  can then compare and decide which
        port alternatives to the normal health-  This can also include mistakes, over-  it is smart to get EPLI Insurance.  avenue is best for you,” says Hoehn.
        care avenues. And we are right here  sights or errors that are made by acci-  “EPLI insurance covers claims against  The cost of insurance depends on
        locally. We aren’t an out of state company  dent.                        your company for sexual harassment,  which type of insurance you’re seeking.
        that cannot relate to the ever changing  Cyber Liability Insurance:      wrongful termination and discrimina-   For example, for cyber insurance,
        climate of the insurance industry in the  With major companies recently in the  tion,” says Hoehn. “These allegations can  Hoehn says that they are going to need to
        state of Florida.”                   headlines for having their personal client  come from the employees or the general  know some details about what you cur-
                                             information hacked, you want to be sure  public. This insurance would cover your  rently do to protect yourself, how many
        Types of Insurance Protection        your business is protected should that  legal costs and potential payouts you  files you store roughly, etc. For Medical
          The types of insurance protection  happen to you. Cyber liability insurance  may be responsible for.”       Professional Liability, they need to know
        Danna-Gracey offers include:         is especially important if your website  Hoehn adds that General Liability  how many doctors you employ, their
          Workers’ Compensation Insurance:   collects personal information or you sell  Insurance and Commercial Property  backgrounds, what coverages they may
          If you have four or more employees,  items online.“If you think you won’t ever  Insurance are important too and as a  currently have, and so on.
        you are required to have workers’ com-  get breached, you are wrong,” says  result, they partner with some excellent  “The cannabis industry is susceptible
        pensation insurance. This will cover  Hoehn. "It’s not a matter of if but when.  individuals to get clients those coverages  to the same types of claims as any med-
        your employees if they get injured on the  Look at the MJ Freeway cyber attack that  as well.                 ical profession,” says Hoehn. “The liabil-
        job. These rates are mandated by the  happened in 2017.The attack took out                                    ity may be a bit less since medical mari-
        state but the agency has a great program  their production and backup server. You  Getting Your Business Insured  juana clinics are recommending and not
        which can get you up to 30% back in div-  are storing personal client information  If you want to get insured, it is a short  actually prescribing but the suits that
        idends annually.                     and it needs to be protected.”      application process that Danna-Gracey  incur are the same as any other.”
          Professional Liability Insurance:   Employment    Practices  Liability  will gladly assist you in completing.
        Professional Liability Insurance (Mal -  Insurance (EPLI):                 “We will shop the market in order to                For more information,
        practice) covers your business should a  If your employees interact with the  present you with several offers and we       visit

         Investors Getting in on the Green Rush. How and Why?

                                             include CanopyVentures, Phyto Partners,  track these companies and research their  My advice to anyone is to do your home-
         Continued from page 32
                                             and Privateer Holdings to name a few.  fundamentals.                     work, research and understand not only
        VC Funds                                                                   Most recently 2 companies made head-  the legalities of the industry but the com-
          Venture capital funds are investment  Public Markets                   lines with over billion-dollar valuations on  panies  and  individuals  involved.
        funds that manage the money of investors  A majority of the cannabis stocks are  the Canadian market, MedMen $MMEN  Historically there are more failures than
        who seek private equity stakes in startup  over the counter (OTC). These companies  and The Green Organic Dutchman  successes in startup companies, however,
        and small- to medium-sized enterprises  have either reverse merged with an exist-  $TGOD both raised capital through pri-  the rewards of finding the next billion-dol-
        with strong growth potential. These  ing listing or IPO. This allows for anyone  vate offerings initially prior to being listed.   lar unicorn do exist.
        investments are generally characterized as  to purchase equity through shares.   In summary, the cannabis industry is
        high-risk/high-return opportunities. In  Investing in these takes a lot of research,  full of creative, innovative opportunities  Tom Quigley is Author of "Corporate to
        the past, venture capital investments were  many are not reporting and the price per  for both investors and founders.  Cannabis; The Green Carpet Entry."
        only accessible to professional venture  share is inflated due to the hype, press  Currently, there are potentially billions of  He co-founded Florida Cannabis Coalition
        capitalists, although now accredited  releases and pending regulations inflating  dollars sitting on the sidelines unable to  and Green Carpet Events both
        investors have a greater ability to take part  their fair value. There is money to be made  invest in the industry due to regulations  of which help educate and network profes-
        in venture capital investments. The  by diligent investors, however, there is  and unclear legalities. This presents an   sionals in the cannabis space.
        cannabis space has had numerous funds  also a risk. Advisory services like  opportunity to the early investors; howev-  He currently works as a strategic advisor
        start over the last 5 years. These funds  Technical420 and  er, these opportunities do come with risk.  for both startups and investors.

        30                       July 2018                                                                                                                              South Florida Hospital News
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