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                                                                                                                          Insurance for
                               Hemp & Heal Dominates Florida                                                            Physicians and

                                         Hemp Product Market

          While many companies are vying to claim
        the title of being a leader in the hemp indus-                                                                  It’s a common misconception that
                                                                                                                        legal marijuana dispensary insurance
        try, one in particular has gotten the lion share                                                                is very expensive and unattainable, but
        of the hemp market in the state of Florida.                                                                     it is actually very reasonably priced.
        Hemp & Heal, the pioneer in the global                                                                          We can provide you with many types
        cannabidiol hemp-derived product market                                                                         of comprehensive insurance coverage
        based out of Boca Raton, has quickly seen its                                                                   which will help your business stay on
        operations grow through its ecommerce                                                                           its feet should some type of calamity or
        store, with clients from across 50 states                                                                       unfortunate event arise.
        showing their preference in their curated,
        high-end hemp products.                                                                                              • General Liability
          “The World Health Organization, the lead-                                                                          • Property Protection
                                                                                                                             • Medicine Coverage
        ing international authority on public health,          approved and legally allowed to extract agricultural hemp for     • Business Income
        has recently deemed CBD safe for human consumption, and  the project’s needs, and thus ensuring, in the process, the qual-     • Extra Expense Insurance
        acknowledged its many beneficial properties and medicinal  ity and potency of its products.                          • Product Liability
        applications” said Mr. Jonah Bolt, Hemp & Heal Media     The Hemp & Heal CBD product range includes vaporizer
        Representative. “Hemp & Heal is a great proponent of the mass  oils; tinctures; edible infusions; crystalline cannabidiol; topical  Danna-Gracey is the leading indepen-
        adoption of cannabidiol in treatment plans that address debili-  solutions; capsules and vaporizer kits. The company also offers  dent medical malpractice insurance
        tating issues which include, but are not limited to chronic pain;  two product starter kits, Starter Kit – Level #1 and Starter Kit -  agency in Florida, and the top agency
        autoimmune disorders, mental health, as well as those specifi-  Level #2, which aim to help “to introduce people to the Hemp  for several of the lead-
        cally related to women’s health. We are proud to receive feed-  world of living healthy.”                                    ing insurers in Florida.
        back from our customers who report that Hemp & Heal prod-  All Hemp & Heal customers are eligible for a free 15-minute       For more information
                                                                                                                                     contact Jessica Hoehn
        ucts have helped improve their quality of life, after struggling  consultation with a Hemp & Heal expert upon making any pur-  of Danna-Gracey at
        long-term with pestering health problems.”             chase from the company’s product range. To arrange for a con-         888.496.0059.
          Hemp & Heal participates in the country’s first state-run  sultation, as well as receive information with regards to hemp,
        Agricultural Hemp Pilot Program, which is managed by the  cannabinoids and Hemp & Heal products, all interested parties
        U.S. Department of Agriculture, and whose goal is to promote  are encouraged to call the company’s (855) 626-9888 toll-free
        research on the medicinal use of hemp-derived products. As  line, which operates 7 days a week.
        part of the program’s framework, Hemp & Heal works directly
        with the sole laboratory in the U.S. which is GMP and FDA-  To learn more about Hemp & Heal, visit
                                                                                                                        888.496.0059 •

                    FLORIDA FOR CARE UPDATE

           Much has been developing here in Florida slowly but surely. Some of that is
         because the state continues to fight against patients at every turn. The patient
         count and the ID card count have now both grown to more than 100,000, though
         some may still be invalid according to the Department. A date was set for the citrus
         rule challenge for July 9th. Medmen acquired a license and the Nature's Way's rul-
         ing came out recommending they receive a license. A summary of the smokable
         Flower lawsuit is below as well.
           May 25th - The State of Florida immediately files an appeal putting an automatic
         stay on the ruling.
           June 6th - Judge Gievers vacated the stay, prompting the state to ask the appellate
         court to keep it in place.
           June 18th – Appellate court ruled to keep the stay in place pending the appeal,
         preventing patients from seeking medical marijuana until the end of the appellate
           The District Court of Appeal’s decision means that patients will continue to be
         barred from smoking medical marijuana legally, at least until the appellate court
         issues a final ruling on the merits of the case. Florida for Care continues to fight
         on your behalf as it has since 2014.

        South Florida Hospital News                                                                                                                    July 2018                         29
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