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Cannabis Spotlight

                                                                                    Stephanie Fair
                                                                                    DIRECTOR OF MARKETING AND
                                                                                    PHYSICIAN RELATIONS, DOCMJ

                                                                                    What benefits do you see for
                                                                                    patients throughout
                                                                                    Florida within this space?
                                                                                      I feel confident that Florida has started to
                                                                                    develop incredible programs to not only edu-
                                                                                    cate patients on the benefits of this potential
                                                                                    medicine, but also lead them in the right
                                                                                    direction as far as MMTC products and physi-
                                                                                    cians. DocMJ has started to provide informa-
                                                                                    tional sessions throughout the state to ensure
                                                                                    patients know the benefits of Medical
                                                                                    Cannabis and how they can effectively go about this process. It is so important
                                                                                    for patients to have the right to choose as well as find the best option for their sit-
                                                                                    What motivates you to be a part of the Cannabis Industry?
                                                                                      What motivates me the most is the opportunity to be a part of such a revolu-
                                                                                    tionary movement throughout Florida. DocMJ has worked hard to make sure that
                                                                                    patients receive the best access they can!

                                                                                    What field are you in within the Cannabis space?
                                                                                      I work with a physician-owned Medical Cannabis practice which specializes in
                                                                                    the recommendation process throughout the state of Florida. We have worked
                                                                                    with over 17,000 qualifying patients throughout Florida and are eager to continue
                                                                                    to teach potential patients how to go about this process in the most beneficial way

                                                                                    How can people in Florida benefit from the company
                                                                                    you represent?
                                                                                      The process to get your medical cannabis license should be easy and affordable
                                                                                    especially if you know what your qualifying condition is. I hear of many patients
                                                                                    over paying for this process and it seems that many physicians take advantage of
                                                                                    those who are unaware of how to obtain their cards. You want to make sure you
                                                                                    find a physician who you trust, who is aware of how the medications affect your
                                                                                    specific condition and who also makes it simple to receive help throughout the
                                                                                    process. DocMJ provides this for many patients and hopes to continue to do so!
                                                                                    How did you get started within the cannabis industry?
                                                                                      Before Medical Cannabis became legal in 2017, I began working with our
                                                                                    founder Dr. Michael Bruno on ways that we could help patients access this poten-
                                                                                    tial medication as soon as it became legal. I found it hard to ignore the constant
                                                                                    issues I was hearing from people within our communities about how their stan-
                                                                                    dard methods of treatment have failed them and wanted to do anything I could
                                                                                    to help find better ways. We at DocMJ have worked hard to make ways for this
                                                                                    to become possible for many patients. We have a dedicated staff who really push-
                                                                                    es every day to provide the best service we can.
                                                                                    Are you personally a MJ card holder?
                                                                                      I am not currently a card holder. I have yet to see a physician about my condi-
                                                                                    tion but plan to do so very soon. If you are looking to get your card in Florida to
                                                                                    access a dispensary legally, you must provide paperwork stating that your condi-
                                                                                    tion is qualifying and that you have tried all other forms of treatment in which
                                                                                    case nothing has worked for you. Many patients have found that the medications
                                                                                    currently available have replaced the traditional medicine prescribed to them and
                                                                                    we have personally seen the differences within our practice.
                                                                                    Do you see Florida moving forward with recreational
                                                                                    Marijuana/Cannabis and how will that affect your business?
                                                                                      I don't see any immediate plans for recreational within the cannabis space in
                                                                                    Florida but I have noticed many organizations pushing to help patients find the
                                                                                    access they deserve! I am sure there are future plans working in which case
                                                                                    DocMJ will work hard to continually find ways to help patients throughout the

        28                       July 2018                                                                                                                              South Florida Hospital News
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