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VidaCann: A Personal Passion for Organic Cannabis Cultivation

         BY DANIEL CASCIATO                             and    applications  for   In addition, they also look at research  out with the rules and regulations for edi-
                                                        cannabinoid therapies,” says  done in other countries that provide clini-  bles,” Moseley says. “We are very excited to
          As a Jacksonville-                            Moseley. “They also offer  cal data.                          launch our edibles line when the regula-
        based cannabis compa-                           cannabis orientation classes  “We continue to educate the public and  tions are complete. Our edibles kitchen is
        ny, VidaCann is owned                           for patients and for health-  the medical community on a daily basis  built-out and ready to go.”
        and operated by lifelong                        care practitioners."      and we share the stories of success that we  Recently, there has also been some talk
        Floridians who pride                              Through the Realm of    have seen,” Moseley says.           about allowing patients to access cannabis
        themselves on being a                           Caring,   all  VidaCann                                       flower from licensed entities such as
        family company putting                          patients have the opportuni-  Looking Ahead                   VidaCann. Obviously, this is a hot topic
        the patients of Florida                         ty to be entered into an     Moseley believes that the Florida  and Moseley says that they look forward to
        first.                                          Observational   Research  Department of Health has done an excep-  supporting whatever the final decision may
          “VidaCann has a long                          Study overseen by John’s  tional job regulating and implementing the  be. With the changes at the state level and
        history of professional                         Hopkins University.       Florida Cannabis program.           the potential for changes at a federal level,
        greenhouse growing in                                                      “In 2014, Florida started with a low-  Moseley doesn’t believe that they are far
        Florida and has part-                           A Personal Interest       THC bill, which was a great start,” he says.  away from true research being done in
        nered with some of the      Peyton Moseley        Moseley and his wife were  “It showed that cannabis is medicine and  Florida.
        best cannabis growers in                        instrumental in the fight to  that there was a huge need for an expanded  “It is very exciting watching the Florida
        the world in order to deliver high quality,  bring high CBD, low THC cannabis to  program which would help a higher num-  cannabis program grow,” he says. “We now
        high yielding cannabis plants,” says Peyton  Florida through Senate Bill 1030. They  ber of patients gain access to this potential-  find ourselves with over 100,000 patients
        Moseley, vice president of product develop-  have a beautiful daughter named RayAnn  ly life saving therapy option.”   in the registry. More and more physicians
        ment for VidaComm.                   who suffers from intractable epilepsy  In 2015, the legislature expanded the  are getting on board as they see the poten-
          All VidaCann products are manufac-  (actual genetic disorder is rare – KCNQ2),  program to allow terminally ill patients  tial benefits of this plant and the limited
        tured in its state-of-the-art, cGMP compli-  which means that she doesn’t respond to  access to higher THC products. The same  negative side effects that come along with
        ant laboratory following strict standard  traditional therapies.          structure that was used to set the program  cannabis use. We are just at the tip of the
        operation procedures to ensure purity and  “She has been on over a dozen seizure  up in 2014 was used to implement the  iceberg with what we know about this
        consistency in every product. The compa-  meds, has a medical device implanted in  Right to Try bill and ultimately was used to  plant.”
        ny is in the process of opening a series of  her chest which is supposed to suppress  implement Amendment 2 (2016).
        statewide dispensaries in order to provide  seizures and is not a candidate for brain  “Now we find ourselves in 2018 and the   For more information,
        accessibility to patients all over the state.   surgery as she has multi-focal spots which  Department of Health will soon be coming  visit
          “From Pensacola to Miami, most Florida  fire seizures—when not doing well,” says
        residents will have a dispensary very close  Moseley.
        to them,” explains Moseley. “We currently  Because of this and the amazing success
        have 14 leases executed and are working to  stories they were hearing, they started to
        secure many more locations. Our Daytona  look at cannabis as a possible treatment
        location opened on June 19th and     option for RayAnn.
        Deerfield Beach should be open in the  “We saw the results that so many
        coming weeks. We will also be offering  patients were having, including pediatric
        statewide home delivery.”            patients, and we wanted that for our
                                             daughter,” says Moseley. “The thought of
        Bringing New Product Lines           us moving to Colorado to gain access to
        to Florida                           cannabis was becoming a real possibility
          Moseley says that the company is proud  but we ultimately decided to take the fight
        to be partnered with two amazing cannabis  to Tallahassee.”
        brands and look forward to bringing both  They worked with then Representative
        product lines to market in Florida:  Matt Gaetz and Senator Bradley, sharing
          Stanley Brothers: creators of the well-  their story with legislators, and testifying
        known Charlotte’s Web™ brand. The    before many committees and on both the
        Stanley Brothers introduced a signature  House and Senate Floor.
        line of health and wellness THC products  “It was an honor to be involved in such
        infused with Charlotte’s Web that provides  an amazing process,” adds Moseley. “Our
        exceptional quality and an unrivaled com-  goal has always been to increase access for
        mitment to health, science, and research.   patients to safe and consistent cannabis
          Tikun Olam: a world-renowned       products.”
        cannabis wellness brand sold in Israel,
        Canada, Australia, and now in the U.S.  Battling Misconceptions
        reaches tens of thousands of patients  Moseley acknowledges that there are
        worldwide. Tikun Olam is dedicated to  many misconceptions about cannabis
        improving the quality of life of patients and  including:
        providing them with strains and products  • Cannabis makes you lazy and unmoti-
        they can trust. Tikun Olam products will  vated
        not be available until this fall.      • Cannabis is a gateway drug
          VidaCann has also partnered with a   • Cannabis can kill you
        501c3 non-profit based in Colorado called  • Cannabis doesn’t work
        the Realm of Caring, according to Moseley.  • Cannabis kills brain cells
        The Realm of Caring will provide patient  • Cannabis doesn’t have medicinal value
        support services via their call center. This  “We combat these arguments and mis-
        includes dosing, drug interactions, finan-  conceptions with data,” says Moseley. “We
        cial assistance and many other great servic-  work with companies like Stanley Brothers
        es.                                  and Tikun Olam, which provide quality
          “The Realm of Caring works with hospi-  data on their products. We utilize quality
        tals, doctors, and researchers to stay at the  3rd parties like the Realm of Caring and
        forefront of cannabis science, constantly  Johns Hopkins University to track patients
        striving to find new and better treatments  data on our products.”

        South Florida Hospital News                                                                                                                    July 2018                          27
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