Page 49 - Carvaan Grmmar-7
P. 49
4. Interrogative : Determiners that help ask questions are what, whose, which, how
much and how many. They are called Interrogatives.
Examples : (i) How much money do you need?
(ii) Whose house is this?
5. Quantifies : Quantifies are those determiners that tell us something about number or
quantity. Such words as 'many', 'much', 'most', 'cardinal number’ (one, two) and none
are examples of quantifies.
Examples : many trees, some books, any idea, etc.
Ÿ 'Many' and 'a few' are used with countable nouns.
Ÿ (Many suggest number and a few suggest quantity )
Ÿ 'Much' and 'little' suggest quantity are used with uncountable nouns .
Ÿ 'Some' and 'any' both suggest number and quantity .
Ÿ 'Some' is generally used in affirmative sentences and 'any' is normally used in
interrogative and negative sentences.
E E x e r c i s e
Critical Thinking
1. Complete the passage with suitable determiners :
Once __________ man had __________ strange goose. It laid __________ golden egg every
day. __________ man was very lucky to possess such __________ precious creature. But he
was greedy too. One day he thought "one golden egg __________ day is not sufficient. I shall
kill __________ goose and get hold of all __________ gold contained in it."
2. Fill in the blanks with ' ' or 'an ' :
(a) He was in __________ hurry.
(b) He has given me __________ apple to eat.
(c) There are __________ dozen mangoes in basket.
49 Grammar-7