Page 50 - Carvaan Grmmar-7
P. 50
(d) A teacher is __________ important person in everyone’s life.
(e) I live in __________ big house.
(f) There is __________ orange on the plate.
(g) What __________ pity! I have been standing in __________ queue.
3. Fill in the blanks with ‘ ’, ‘an ’ or ‘the ’ wherever required : Knowledge Acquisition
(a) My father is __________ honorary member of the Managing Committee.
(b) __________ peacock is __________ beautiful bird.
(c) We boarded __________ Lucknow Mail at night.
(d) He saw __________ European, __________ German and __________ Indian discussing
something important.
(e) I always like to read about sports in __________ Times of India.
(f) He saw __________ boy who was talking about.
(g) Rita found __________ one rupee coin.
(h) We should always help __________ needy.
(i) He always speaks __________ truth.
(j) She visited __________ Safdarjung tomb last month.
4. Fill in the blanks with suitable interrogatives : Analytical Skill
(a) __________ car is parked at the gate?
(b) __________ glasses do we need?
(c) __________ money do you want?
(d) __________ bag is lying on my table?
(e) __________ balloons do you require for the party?
(f) __________ did you pay for the bag?
(g) __________ book is more interesting?
(h) __________ do you do during your break time?
50 Grammar-7