Page 119 - Visual Marketing
P. 119

Why It Works                           ton of good will and increased        mouth and built goodwill in the
                                       retention for our business.”          communities that Lorden serves.
Homeowners who use oil to                                                 • A local elementary school
heat their homes tend to see           The big fuzzy socks mean              featured a “wear your Lorden
fuel delivery as a commodity           warmth, and this campaign             socks” day.
with little differentiation beyond     was a clever visual solution that
price. The Lorden platform             supports the overall image of           Takeaway Tip
of “Comfort Made Simple” is            Lorden as a friendly, reliable
expressed with playful sock            family-owned business that con-           Pick images and promotional products
images and Knock Your Socks            nects with people in their homes          that support the comfort of your custom-
Off promotional messaging.             in a personal way.                        ers. Appeal to their emotions if you want
Lorden gave new and existing                                                     to make a commodity business stand out.
customers a pair of colorful          Success Metrics                            Put the imagery that evokes emotion every-
socks. “This was the most suc-                                                   where—signs, vehicles, advertisements, and
cessful promotion in the long       • The Knock Your Socks Off cam-              online—to reinforce your message from
history of our company. People         paign led to 300 new client               many different vantage points.
were calling for socks,” says Ted      accounts.
Lorden, president. “The free
pair of socks really generated a    • The spirit of the program
                                       reinforced terrific word of

                                    IMAGES ARE EVERYWHERE IN THE PHY SI C A L W O R L D 98
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