Page 149 - Visual Marketing
P. 149

Why It Works                         Success Metrics                    Takeaway Tip

Visually, the brand is designed    • The branding by Hirons &           Talk the talk of your target audience. Use
to feel like stencil art. Simple      Company garnered three            the words and phrases they use. Your mes-
shapes like the star and brack-       Gold ADDYs, the Gold              sage may not only resonate but achieve cult
ets create an abstract form           Medal of advertising given        status. Oh, and put your messages on the
representing the pizza box. The       by the American Advertising       things your target audience reads. If they
logo uses just two colors (crim-      Federation.                       don’t read billboards, magazines, or newspa-
son and black) and a simple                                             pers, then put your message where they do
brushing technique to get the      • The design elements are used       read. It may be someplace unconventional
intended look. “The hardest           on pizza boxes, the website,      (like a pizza box). But if it’s one of the things
part was not over-thinking it,”       T-shirts, and the restaurant’s    they see and read, unconventional doesn’t
explained Hammond.                    Facebook page, all with positive  matter. And in the process, make your mes-
                                      feedback.                         sage look attractive in choice of fonts, col-
The pizza boxes, which are                                              ors, and other elements so that they can’t
sure to litter more than a hand-                                        help but read it.
ful of college dorm rooms at
Indiana University, is peppered
with cheeky statements such as,
“Your calculus book is the fourth
leg of your sofa” that appeal to
the college crowd. The state-
ments also appear on T-shirts
B-Town sells on its site.

                                   IMAGES ARE EVERYWHERE IN THE PHY SIC A L W O R L D 128
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