Page 50 - Transforming an Idea Into a Business with Design Thinking
P. 50

S tage 1: Understand Problem to Grasp Desirability  ◾  29

to seek the deeper insights and ask the harder questions. At the end of
your time with a user, you want to have captured what that person said
and did, and you want to have an understanding of what that person
thinks and feels.

3.2.4  Being Inquisitive Is Good, Without Being Intrusive!

We want to understand a person’s experience as a user in the space so
that we can determine how to innovate for him/her. By understanding the
choices that person makes and the behaviors that person engages in, we
can identify needs and design for these needs. Use this map to guide your

   ◾◾ Introduce yourself and your team.
   ◾◾ Introduce the project and explain why you are doing the research.
   ◾◾ Build rapport.
   ◾◾ Do not go through the interview questionnaire question by question.

      Instead, have the questionnaire as a guide and have the engagement as
      a conversation.
   ◾◾ Listen to the user responses intently to understand rather than rushing
      to finish asking all the questions.

3.2.5  Adopt a Beginner’s Mind-set

We all carry our experiences, understanding and expertise with us. These
aspects of yourself are incredibly valuable assets to bring to the design chal-
lenge – but at the right time, and with intentionality. Your assumptions may
be misconceptions and stereotypes, and they can restrict the amount of real
empathy you can build. Assume a beginner’s mind-set in order to put aside
these biases so that you can approach a design challenge with fresh eyes. Be
mindful of the following aspects:

3.2.6  Don’t Judge

Just observe and engage users without the influence of value judgments
upon their actions, circumstances, decisions or “issues.”
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