Page 87 - Transforming an Idea Into a Business with Design Thinking
P. 87

66  ◾  Transforming an Idea Into a Business with Design Thinking  Do’s

   ◾◾ Do plan ahead to meet with the user at a time that is convenient for
      the user and when the user is least distracted due to work or personal

   ◾◾ Do inform the user about the purpose and duration of the ses-
      sion and highlight why it is important for the user to provide open
      and honest feedback. The way you position the session has a direct
      impact on the quality of the feedback. Reiterate that the reason for
      the session is to devise a solution to solve a particular problem for
      the user. Mention that this is an initial concept that you want to show
      to the user and obtain his/her open and candid feedback. Also con-
      vey that the input from the user will be used for improving upon the
      prototype. The duration of the session is dependent on the type and
      complexity of the solution as well as the available time with the user.
      Generally, one user feedback session lasts anywhere from 30 minutes
      to 90 minutes.

   ◾◾ Do turn all your phones off and encourage the user to also avoid any
      potential distractions for the duration of the session.

   ◾◾ Do make the user at ease at the beginning of the session and highlight
      that it is not a test of their abilities but a test to see the intuitiveness
      of the user experience, the relevance to the topic and the functional

   ◾◾ Do explain the scenario in which the user is likely to be using the pro-
      totyped solution. However, do confirm whether they agree to the sce-
      nario in which they will be using the solution. Do ask if there are any
      other contexts in which the user will be using the solution.

   ◾◾ Do ask the user to state their thoughts, feelings, needs and challenges
      during the session.

   ◾◾ Do keep your words to a bare minimum during the session. You are
      interested in getting the user’s feedback.

   ◾◾ Do observe intently where the user is facing difficulties or is pleased.
   ◾◾ Do write down the user’s challenges.
   ◾◾ Do write down the user’s moments of delight.
   ◾◾ Do clarify any questions that the user asks; try to answer only in the

      form of open-ended questions.
   ◾◾ Do note down all the questions the user asks. Questions from the user

      is an indicator of lack of clarity of the prototype.
   ◾◾ Do act as a facilitator only; nothing more.
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