Page 88 - Transforming an Idea Into a Business with Design Thinking
P. 88

Stage 2: Devise Solution to Determine Feasibility  ◾  67

   ◾◾ Do ask for suggestions for improvement at the end of the session. It
      is likely that the user will be giving you feedback and suggestions for
      improvement throughout the session, but it is important to give the user
      another opportunity to provide any further suggestions to improve the
      prototyped solution. You may go back to some of the issues highlighted
      during the session and ask the user for any suggestions for improve-
      ment. You have to be mindful of the tone in which you ask for ideas.
      Your tone must not convey any kind of sarcasm or insult.

   ◾◾ Do ask if there will be other users who could give valuable feedback at
      the end of the session.  Don’ts

   ◾◾ Don’t help the user in any way. We have a tendency to be emotion-
      ally attached to the amazing experience vision that we have proto-
      typed. However, when the user actually reviews it, he/she inevitably
      finds some aspects challenging, out of place or totally unusable. At
      this point, we are naturally inclined to help the user get over the
      obstacle. This urge must be controlled. The purpose of the session is
      to intently observe the user as he/she is having these challenges so that
      you could improve upon the prototype, not to convince the user of its

   ◾◾ Don’t lead the user in any way. Similar to the above point, do not lead
      the user in any way. We are naturally inclined toward helping others.
      However, this is not the time to help the user, even when the intensity
      of this urge increases. Observe intently and let the user figure the pro-
      totype out.

   ◾◾ Don’t give any tips.
   ◾◾ Don’t give your preference. Remember that it is not about you or your

      prototype; it is about the user, his/her problem and getting feedback
      on the prototype for the solution that you have created. So refrain from
      sharing any preferences.
   ◾◾ Don’t judge or belittle the user. This is a grave sin which a lot of first-
      timers commit. If you do this, you’ll lose any opportunity to gain any
      valuable feedback from the user in this session or in the future. In fact,
      doing this will likely help you lose this user forever. It is likely that the
      user will stumble on several steps while going through the process and
      using the prototype. Remember, it is not the user’s fault or stupidity. It is
      the prototype that is not meeting the user’s needs.
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