Page 92 - Transforming an Idea Into a Business with Design Thinking
P. 92

S tage 2: Devise Solution to Determine Feasibility  ◾  71

4.4.7  Guidance

Session Lead
   Draw this template on a whiteboard and select sticky notes of different

colors for each user. This will help you later in tracing specific feedback to
specific users.

   Select the first user and review the notes of the feedback session. As you
go through the notes, write down key points on sticky notes and place them
in the appropriate quadrant of the feedback template. It is very important to
discuss key insights and not just get hung up on the mechanics of the pro-
cess. Also, discuss how best to incorporate the feedback into the next itera-
tion of the prototype.

   Repeat this for all the other users.
   Once you have all the feedback gathered on the template, start review-
ing the combined feedback in each quadrant: Like, dislike, questions and
ideas. You’ll see themes emerging in every quadrant. Cluster those insights
and plan on incorporating those insights into the next iteration of the
prototype.  Document Assumptions

After the session, the session lead should ask the team to write down all the
assumptions made and record those assumptions in assumptions template in
Chapter 6.  Review Prior Steps

Review the prior steps and adjust as needed with the consensus of the

4.5  Step 11: Use Case

A use case explains how a user interacts with the solution for a perceived
benefit. It is important to understand that the benefit may not be tan-
gible and real – it could be emotional or psychological. Most teams fall
into the trap of just focusing on the capabilities or features of the solution
and do not put an effort into understanding how that particular capability
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