Page 89 - Transforming an Idea Into a Business with Design Thinking
P. 89

68  ◾  Transforming an Idea Into a Business with Design Thinking

   ◾◾ Don’t give explanations. When your beloved prototype is being evalu-
      ated, you are likely to fall into the mind-set of defensiveness. We have
      to admit that we don’t like it when anyone calls our baby ugly. We fall
      into the habit of justifying the shortcomings of our prototype. This must
      be avoided at all costs. In fact, you must continue to thank the user for
      their valuable feedback.

   ◾◾ Don’t interrupt. Do not think of this session as a regular conversation,
      even if the user is an acquaintance. So interrupting the user is never a
      good idea. However, there is an exception, which is when the user goes
      away from the task at hand and goes off on a tangent. If that should hap-
      pen, politely remind the user of the purpose of the session and encour-
      age him/her to continue working with the prototype and giving feedback.

   ◾◾ Don’t laugh at the user. This is absolutely forbidden. It is in the same
      category as belittling and insulting the user. Remember that the user
      is doing you a favor by spending his/her valuable time helping you by
      reviewing and giving feedback to you on your prototype.

   ◾◾ Don’t ask any questions during the session. Although some clarification
      questions are okay, you should refrain from asking questions during the
      session. If you feel the urge to ask a question, note the topic and ask
      that question at the end of the session.

   ◾◾ Don’t offer approval or disapproval with words, facial expressions or
      body language. Remember that you are not judging the user at all. Your
      main goal is to observe the user and get the feedback on the prototype.
      Staying neutral is very important throughout the session for gaining
      effective feedback.

4.4.4  Do’s and Don’ts for Note Taker

As a note taker, your primary purpose is to write down all the observations
and feedback from the user. These include the user’s thoughts, feelings,
body language, quotes, needs, challenges, moments of delight, moments of
difficulty and ideas. Here are some guidelines for the note taker.  Do’s

   ◾◾ Do keep quiet during the session. You’ll feel the urge to speak, sug-
      gest or ask questions during the session. Remind yourself of your
      role during the session and continue writing down the feedback and
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