Page 118 - 101 Ways to Market Your Business
P. 118


42 Make life easy for parents—cater for their

The world’s leading fast food chains have certainly got this
idea well and truly under control. McDonald’s restaurants
have fast become playgrounds with a restaurant attached.
Parents can take their children to a McDonald’s and not
only is everyone fed but they are also entertained. What a
brilliant idea.

    Look at ways that your business can become more
child-friendly. Putting in a small playground may seem like
an expensive idea but at the end of the day the costs can
be more than offset by an increase in business.

    Catering for kids can be anything from a television to
a blow-up castle or toys in a playpen. Like all of the
marketing ideas in this book, I suggest that you cater for
kids according to your budget.

    If you start to look around you will see more and more
businesses adopting a ‘catering for children’ attitude. I have
noticed it being used in clubs, restaurants, theatres, shopping
centres, department stores, furniture shops and electrical
goods retailers.

    Why not make up a cheap colouring-in book to give
to children visiting your business. Remember the kids’
packs that airlines hand out? The same principle could
apply to many other businesses. When I worked for a cruise
ship company we developed a kids’ pack that had a starfish,
some fish stickers, a ruler, some colouring-in pencils and a
colouring-in book, which was handed to all children as they
came on board.

    Remember that there are a lot of potential customers
who have kids and sometimes they need to take them
shopping. Become a market leader and cater for children
in your industry before your competition does and you will
receive the benefits.

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