Page 120 - 101 Ways to Market Your Business
P. 120
8 Do you have smart,
promotional material?
Every business should have good promotional material. Often
your brochures and flyers are the first point of contact a potential
customer may have with your business. If your promotional
material doesn’t inspire them to use your business then it is a
waste of time. This section will outline some of the ways to make
more effective promotional material that will produce greater
results for your business. We’ll look at:
#43 The bolder the heading the bolder the response
#44 Making your first brochure
#45 Make up an information booklet to give to customers
#46 Always be prepared to hand out a brochure
#47 Build credibility with testimonials from happy customers
#48 Start your own newsletter
#49 Clever promotional material costs no more
#50 How to always be under your customers’ noses