Page 178 - 101 Ways to Market Your Business
P. 178


79 Always try to sell to the decision-maker, not
     their assistant

If you are trying to target a specific company always try to
contact the decision-maker or the person who signs the
cheque. From my experience, if I can see the decision-
maker I can sell the product. If I have to go through the
pecking order the sale is often lost in the system.

    The reason for this is clear. If I can present my product
to the decision-maker, I know that they have one major
concern—the bottom line. If the product that I am selling
is going to increase their bottom line, they will buy it.

    I have lost track of the number of times I have met a
decision-maker at a social function of some sort, shown
them a product (that I always carry), they have said it was
great and it is exactly the type of thing their business could
use. Then I have to tell them that I have already shown it
to the purchasing officer and they told me to go away.
Without fail I get the ‘drop by tomorrow morning’ and
they sign up on the spot.

    If you cannot get past one person you may be obliged
to wait for that person to leave the company (which
happens a lot quicker these days). Patience is a real virtue
when it comes to any form of selling. If you persevere you
will eventually get the client. The difference between suc-
cess and failure is normally only a matter of time.

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