Page 182 - 101 Ways to Market Your Business
P. 182
82 Tips for making a good sales presentation
There is no doubt there are very few methods of advertising
as effective as calling on someone directly. This generally
means making an appointment and going to visit a pro-
spective client. For many people this is an everyday
occurrence but for others it is unheard of and, in reality,
quite daunting.
Perhaps your business could benefit from you making
the effort to call on one prospective customer per day.
Obviously the more the better but, like all marketing, start
small and work your way up. This is one area that larger
companies tend to fall down in. They are trying to reach
such large markets that they have to use mass marketing
measures like television and newspaper.
Over the years I have written millions of dollars worth
of business by doing direct sales calls. Sometimes for
employers and sometimes in my own businesses. The situ-
ation doesn’t matter, neither does the type of business you
operate. A prospective customer appreciates you making the
effort and if you look after them they will reward you with
loyal business for a long time.
There are of course a few important protocols you
should follow when making a direct sales call. Follow these,
be patient and you will be amazed at the results. Remember
there are thousands of books written on this subject, so if
you feel that you would like to pursue this form of mar-
keting, spend a few dollars and invest in some. The best
sales book that I have ever read was written by Dale
Carnegie in 1953, called How to win friends and influence
people. The title is terrible but the book is fantastic. If you
look on the shelves or in the drawers of any top performing
salespeople you can rest assured that there is a copy of this
book close by (a recommended reading list can be found
in the Appendix of this book).