Page 213 - 101 Ways to Market Your Business
P. 213
101 Next time you visit the gym
One idea I recently came across was at a local gym. This
gym has over 1000 members. A number of businesses had
sponsored a noticeboard where they made special offers to
all of the gym members—all the members had to do was
to show their membership card to claim the discount.
This struck me as a particularly clever way to target a
good group of consumers. Most people that go to the gym
would fall into a typical 18–35 year age bracket with a
good disposable income (that can at least afford to pay
membership and buy trendy clothes), making them a good
target for a direct marketing campaign.
Being a member of a gym means that you would
probably talk to other members as well, so news of a special
deal or offer would travel quite quickly. The gym itself
benefits from this promotion in that their customers receive
a benefit for being a member of the gym. Once again, a
situation that makes everyone a winner.
Another idea involved a company that paid for the
membership cards to be produced and laminated. On the
back of the card they had an advertisement. This was a
sporting shop, which is obviously a good choice.
The same principle could apply to a fishing club, rifle
club, gardening club or whatever. If your business is par-
ticularly complementary to a certain club, perhaps today is
the day to pick up the phone and arrange a meeting.