Page 321 - Value Proposition Design: How to Create Products and Services Customers Want -
P. 321

Leaders	and	decision	makers	are	trained	to	give	feedback	on	early	ideas	to
help	them	evolve.	They	know	their	opinion	can	be	trumped	by	market	facts
and	they’re	comfortable	with	that.

               Don’t                        Do

Shoot	people	down	for	presenting	new Create	a	safe	environment	in	which

(bold)	ideas.                people	feel	comfortable	to	present

                             (bold)	ideas.

Present	only	refined	ideas	to	leadership Foster	a	culture	of	early	feedback	on

and	decision	makers.         rapidly	evolving	ideas.

Have	long,	unstructured,	free-flowing, Run	facilitated,	structured	feedback

time-consuming	discussions.  processes.

Allow	for	proliferation	of	pure	opinion. Provide	feedback	based	on	experience
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