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Obstacle handling questions

A piece of personal bias: I dislike the way that some salespeople are trained
to always answer a question or complaint with another question. “If I
answer that for you will you buy today?” is a blatant example. However,
something similar can be done effectively and ethically if, and only if, it is
truly in the interests of the customer to hasten the conclusion and get on
with implementing the solution. The exact way that you ask the question,
however, should always give the listener a way out.

    n Yes that does sound difficult, if I can convince you that I can show
        you how to overcome that will you be prepared to give it a try?

    n Is that your only concern?

Influence psychology

More than sixty years of practical, carefully validated and comprehensive
research have led to the development of a cognitive map of exactly – step
by step – how people think when making the decision whether to accept a
line of reasoning or not. Each step implies a question. I do not pretend that
the questions are phrased in the words that I use, but research has proved
beyond a shadow of doubt that if you are able to answer these questions in
the structure, sequence and words of your argument, the listener’s mind
will move comfortably and easily from one set of questions to the next. If
the presentation of your product, service or idea is structured so that each
question is answered indirectly, but affirmatively in turn, the mind is pro-
grammed to reach the decision “YES”. Only by inputting ideas at the
wrong time or in the wrong sequence do we fail. Get the sequence and
timing precisely right every time and you will succeed every time.

A cognitive map of decision-making

I am important – will my importance be recognized?

    n Will my needs be treated as imperative?
    n Is this person offering me something of value or is he or she simply

        trying to push me into something?
    n Should I listen, or should I simply seek ways of saying “no” politely

        or otherwise?

I have developed a point of view – will my opinion be respected and under-

    n Will the value that I put on my personal experience be

    n Does this person recognize that what I believe is in effect a
        precious part of who I am?

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