Page 216 - SKU-000506274_TEXT.indd
P. 216

n Are they trying to build up the pressure?

    n Do I feel comfortable with this?

The sequence for presenting an idea, product or service to
lead the listener comfortably through the cognitive map of

1. Express the listener’s most important objective that you can help
    them to achieve and make it clear that achieving their objective is the
    sole topic of your conversation.

2. Explain why they may need to change their behaviour to succeed
    because the world is changing and what has worked in the past is no
    longer necessarily as effective in helping them to attain their goals as
    it once was. Ensure that they understand that you are not dismissing
    their old behaviour as “wrong”. You are merely recognizing that
    because other people’s attitudes and behaviours change what once
    worked so well meets with opposition today. (If this is not true, if their
    treasured behaviour is still the best way to get the results that they
    want, you do not have a case. Why would you want anyone to reject
    something that works unless you have an idea that will work better?
    And if you have an idea that will work better there simply have to be
    problems associated with the old approach. You must sensitively show
    that it is not a matter of fault, it is merely the result of changing
    circumstances beyond either the listener’s or your control.)

3. Suggest one or two benefits that they will get from simply listening to
    what you have to say. Limit yourself to one, or at most two. If
    listening will lead to the listener to enjoy even one benefit, then a
    reasonable person will be prepared to listen. If, however, you go
    overboard and list a whole series of benefits, no matter how truthful
    you may be, you will sound over-anxious and tedious as well as giving
    the listener the impression that you are trying to push him or her into
    something that is your interest rather than theirs.

4. Explain your idea in detail. What it is. How it is used. Who has used
    it. What they say about it. What resources the listener already has to
    make it work for them. What resources you can contribute to help
    them to succeed. Deliver a total feature presentation so that the
    listener fully understands that this product, service or idea infallibly
    delivers the goods that they desire. Be selective, however, in the
    details that you decide to offer. If I believe myself to be a great
    innovator, I will not respond positively to the news that hundreds
    have already tried the idea. If I am averse to risk I am unlikely to be
    enthused when you tell me that I will be the first to use the approach
    that you are are suggesting. It comes back, as it always does, to
    preparation. And the key to preparation is to know your customer.
    That is why the best, most successful salespeople listen far more than

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