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P. 217

they talk. This description, however, assumes that you have done your
            listening and the time has come to present your case.
       5. List the important benefits logically to prove that the listener’s
            objective will definitely be achieved. Use “which means” between
            benefits to test the logic. If “which means” makes sense your case is
            logical and it will work.
       6. Avoid smart closing techniques. In fact forget any closing technique
            other than asking politely, but confidently for the order or agreement
            and then stop talking until the listener says something. They will say
            “yes” more times than you would imagine to be possible especially if
            you have found that old-fashioned, product-centred sales techniques
            don’t work for you.
       Do the above strictly in the sequence given and your listener will respond
       by saying: “OK – let’s do it”.


      I Sales techniques have a poor reputation. This is hardly surprising
      I because too many sales techniques are designed to put the buyer
      I on the spot and to increase the pressure until they feel that they
      I have little choice other than to capitulate to the demand that they
      I “buy today”. Psychological research suggests that salespeople are
      I too often motivated by their desire to win. They see the prospect
      I as an enemy to be overcome.
      I Research has shown, however, that where you genuinely have
      I an idea that is in the interest of the listener to accept there is a
      I specific route to agreement that the other person finds both
      I natural and comfortable. Instead of being pushed into making a
      I purchase the buyer is helped to understand exactly what the
      I product, service or idea will do for them. That is ethical
      I influencing and it is more effective than any known combative
      I approach.
      I No businessperson should ever experience any qualms about
      I developing selling skills. In business we have to sell ideas,
      I products, services, people that we have faith in and, most of all,
      I ourselves. It is essential that you understand the questions and
      I techniques that will make you a superior salesperson.
      I Every businessperson should recognize that at every step of the
      I process of building conviction it is the question that dominates
      I people’s thinking.

186 Key management questions
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