Page 215 - SKU-000506274_TEXT.indd
P. 215

n Does he or she realize that the person who I am today, the position
                that I hold, my self-image are all the result of the views and values
                that I have developed through my experience?

            n Does he or she understand that if my beliefs are attacked I will
                treat that attack as if it were an act of aggression aimed at my
                person? (Defensive communication was researched a number of
                years ago by Jack Gibb. In essence his research showed that our
                beliefs are so important to us that if someone attempts, with the
                utmost of good will, to change our thinking we are likely to
                respond by defending our, often outdated, beliefs.)

       I’m a busy person – should I really listen to this or just think of ways to say
       “no” quickly while he or she talks?

            n Why should I give this idea “time of day”?
            n Is there something in this for me?
            n Is listening to this a proper use of my valuable time right now?

       What is the idea? – What is the detail?

            n How does it work?
            n Would it work for me?
            n Is it safe?
            n Is it new?
            n Is it attractive?
            n What is the evidence that it works?
            n Who has tried it?
            n What would people that I trust and admire say about it?
            n Am I being persuaded to be an innovator and take a major risk?
            n Or am I being eased down a well-worn path?

       Will this idea help me and give me what I want? – does this person under-
       stand what I want?

            n Is success guaranteed?
            n Do the benefits outweigh the costs?
            n Do the benefits logically arise from the idea?
            n Will they give me all that I want?
            n Will this idea help me to achieve what is important to me right


       Am I being unduly pressured? – am I genuinely free to make up my own
       mind or am I in danger of being pushed into something that I will regret?

            n Is this person using blatant sales techniques?

184 Key management questions
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