Page 33 - Visual Marketing
P. 33 was          standpoint, this means you have       they became aware of or chose
created to promote the services      to think about how users will         the Langton Cherubino Group
of Langton Cherubino Group.          move around the site. You need        for their online design needs.
They built buzz by using social      to determine where instructions
networking services, including       are needed and where users         Takeaway Tip
Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn,     may simply click and act.
and creating a viral marketing                                          Create an interactive online game to generate a
campaign by contacting blog-        Success Metrics                     viral effect (meaning that something is spread by
gers, websites, and publica-                                            others) that pumps up the impact of your market-
tions. Spread by word of mouth    • was         ing. To be effective the game must be so visually
online, soon traffic to the game      featured in Redbook magazine.      and intellectually engaging and intriguing that
doubled many times over.                                                people can’t help but share it with others. It ampli-
                                  • It has also been featured on        fies your marketing—word of mouth will kick in to
Why It Works                         radio stations and blogs, includ-  spread the message for you. Make it (1) interest-
                                     ing as a learning tool, and has    ing to your target audience, (2) relevant to your
More than half of the imple-         gained an audience worldwide.      business or core competencies, and (3) intuitive
mentation time was spent on                                             and simple enough for people to dive right in and
the interface design and naviga-  • The site won the 2009 American      “get it” without extensive instructions.
tion. “We wanted it to be fast       Web Design Award from
and easy-to-use,” says designer      Graphic Design USA magazine.
Jim Keller. From the design
                                  • has
                                     been identified by several pro-
                                     spective clients as the reason

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