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120 Walk Like a Giant, Sell Like a Madman

                         FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

    Lois Maljak
    Ralph Roberts Realty, llc
     FAX: 586-752-8959

    Mortgage Myths
    77 Secrets That Will Save You Thousands
    on Home Financing
    Ralph R. Roberts and Chip Cummings

    What separates homeowners and successful real estate in-
 vestors from those who only dream of buying a home and build-
 ing wealth in real estate are a collection of myths and misconcep-
 tions about mortgage debt. Unfortunately, these myths convince
 people to put their dreams on hold and then make terrible finan-
 cial decisions when they finally do decide to purchase a home or
 investment property.

   In Mortgage Myths: 77 Secrets That Will Save You Thousands on
 Home Financing (Wiley; December 2007; 282 pages; $17.95; 978-
 0-470-19587-1; Paper), real estate expert Ralph R. Roberts and
 mortgage specialist Chip Cummings take aim at the most com-
 monly held myths to liberate readers from the misconceptions
 that are holding them back from pursuing their dreams.

   Mortgage Myths draws the distinction between bad debt and
 good debt, erases false beliefs about mortgages, and explains
 common misconceptions about mortgages that trick borrowers
 into making poor financial decisions. Included are quotes and
 stories from many of the nation's top industry professionals, with
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