Page 134 - Social Media Marketing
P. 134

118 Walk Like a Giant, Sell Like a Madman

  • Press clippings: When a newspaper or magazine prints a story
      about you, they can usually provide you with reprints of the
      article, so you do not have to purchase stacks of the magazine
      or newspaper. Always order reprints and include them in your
      marketing packet. Positive press reinforces the message that
      you are a credible authority who delivers on promises.

  • Mission statement: Include a brief statement of who you are,
     .your purpose, your goals, and the policies and values you

 Tip: Consistency is critical in an effective marketing cam-
 paign. Everything should have a consistent appearance and color
 scheme. Creative people tend to want to add some variation, be-
 cause they are afraid of coming across as boringly consistent, but
 this is a common mistake. Consistency tattoos your image on the
 minds of your clients, prospects, competitors, and others in the
 industry. It gives you a recognizable face.

                       Doing Regular Press Releases

People tend to believe what they read in the news, so to increase
your credibility, make yourself newsworthy. I regularly broadcast
press releases through RlSMedia, which can deliver my releases to
thousands of subscribers almost instantaneously.

Prepare Your Press Release

When a newsworthy event occurs (or is about to occur), start writ-
ing. Announcing something that happened a week ago is not news.
As you write, follow these guidelines for composing your press

   • Read some sample press releases first. Model your press re-
      lease after others that you find interesting and informative.
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