Page 129 - Social Media Marketing
P. 129

Building a Brand through Shameless Self-Promotion 113

                     Comprehensive and Unrelenting

Many people in sales and business make the mistake of indulging
in hit-or-miss marketing campaigns. They run a TV commercial and
see how that does. The next week, they place an ad in the paper or
run something on the radio to determine whether that will drive
in more business. Perhaps they dabble on the Internet, creating a
second-rate web site in which they later lose interest.

   Hit-or-miss marketing campaigns are destined to fail, because
they have no lasting impact on clients and prospects, whose minds
are infiltrated with a daily barrage of advertisements. A single ad
does not imprint an image on the collective mind of your audience.

   To be effective, a marketing campaign must be comprehensive
(as in multimedia) and unrelenting (as in never letting up). You
need to build a marketing blitz that never loses its intensity. Even-

tually, your marketing will develop a life of its own: It will go viral,

delivering countless opportunities to your door.


The most effective self-promotional campaigns are comprehensive,
making use of business cards, brochures, online Internet marketing,
Tv, radio, newspapers, magazines, professional journals, e-mail,
social networking sites, and any other source of information for
prospective clients. A comprehensive campaign serves three main
purposes, allowing you to:

   1. Spread the word. If people do not see your message in one
      media channel, they are likely to see it in another.

   2. Reinforce your message. When people see you on TV, hear
      you on the radio, read about you in the newspapers, and see
      your web sites or blogs on the Internet, you begin to take up
      permanent residence in their minds.

   3. Leverage your marketing muscle. Every marketing message
      reinforces the effectiveness of your other messages. Your web
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