Page 130 - Social Media Marketing
P. 130

114 Walk Like a Giant, Sell Like a Madman

       site or blog may draw interest from the press, for instance, who
      will then mention your web site or blog in their reports and
       draw even more traffic to you. A publisher may notice your
       popularity and offer you a book deal, which adds to your
       credibility and drives even more business in your direction.
      You may hand people a business card with your web site
       address on it, encouraging them to visit your site, where you
       sell them a book that convinces them they want to hire you to
       sell their house.

   Once it gets going in full gear, a comprehensive marketing cam-
paign is a thing of beauty. It starts to generate a buzz that begins to
propel itself. The buzz just keeps growing in intensity and reach-
ing more and more people, who begin to flock to you for more
information, insights, products, and services.

   Caution: Before launching your self-promotional campaign,
   gear up for the increase in interest and business you are about
   to receive. If you are ill prepared, poor customer service could
   drive away the people you spent so much effort attracting.


Shameless self-promotion relies on energy, enthusiasm, and mo-
mentum. If you ease off the gas for even one or two weeks, you
begin to lose speed. Your image in the minds of consumers begins
to fade.

   Before you decide to begin, make a commitment. In Chapter 8,
"Hosting Your Own Hour of Power," I encourage you to set aside
an Hour of Power for anything you want to accomplish. Make a
commitment to spend at least one hour per day promoting yourself.
You may spend this time planning your self-promotional campaign,
coming up with ideas for articles, meeting with your marketing
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