Page 125 - Social Media Marketing
P. 125

108 Walk Like a Giant, Sell Like a Madman

      whether you will be just as careless when handling their
      accounts. Have at least two sets of eyes proofread the newslet-
      ter before distributing it.

Send Cards, Gifts, and Other Tokens

Although a drip campaign is technically an automated process car-
ried out via e-mail, you might also want to connect with your clients
using more traditional methods, such as by sending cards, letters,
and other tokens of your appreciation. Sometimes combining the
old with the new can be very effective.

   I always try to give everyone I meet a gift. My first gift is my
business card. The next time I see the person, I might hand him a
brochure. Once people have my business card and brochure, I might
give them a copy of a book I have found to be inspirationaL

Give Recipients the Option to Opt Out

Whenever you place someone on a drip campaign or any direct
e-mail program, give the recipient an easy way to opt out. Oth-
erwise, you will come across as a spammer. The person will feel
trapped and eventually grow to resent rather than respect you.

   At the bottom of every e-mail message you send out, include in-
structions on how to opt out of receiving any more e-mail messages.
You always want your clients to feel as though they are in control
of the situation and ultimately of the purchase decision.

            Remain Persistent without Being Overbearing

If you do not hear back from your lead, call the person sooner
rather than later. Ask where he or she is in the decision process and
whether you can do anything right now to be of assistance.

   Whatever you do, do not let that lead off the hook. Before my
wife agreed to marry me, I had to ask her 11 times! Some leads can
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