Page 126 - Social Media Marketing
P. 126

Dating Your Leads before Someone Else Does 109

be just as picky when choosing an agent to represent them. Remain
persistent without nagging, and transform those leads into sales
and those sales into business!

 o Date your leads, or someone else will.
 o Remember that it takes an average of five to seven contacts

     with a customer to make a sale.

 o Have a system in place to follow up with leads before you

     start looking for them.

 o Categorize your leads, so you can present them with

     marketing materials that address their needs.

 o Strive to become the very first sales representative to contact

     the lead. This gives you a huge advantage over the

 o Add all new leads to a drip e-mail campaign, but give them

     the choice to opt out.

 o A monthly newsletter with valuable, relevant information is

     a great way to stay in touch with both existing clients and
     new prospects.

 o Don't let those leads off the hook-be persistent.
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