Page 132 - Social Media Marketing
P. 132
116 Walk Like a Giant, Sell Like a Madman
to demonstrate how their NailGard® self-sealing passenger tire
worked, Uniroyal placed the nail into the tread of its 80-foot tire,
which had stood alongside Interstate 94 since 1965. The giant tire
was created as a Ferris wheel attraction for the 1964/65 New York's
World Fair.
I purchased the Big Nail on eBay for $3,000 (the seller donated
the proceeds to a local charity), and then I proceeded to parade
it around town and loan it out for charity events. Now, all of my
marketing materials have the Big Nail on them. I even have a web
site about it at (you've probably guessed), where you
can read all about it.
I am not suggesting that you have your own 11-foot-tall,
500-pound nail custom built for you, but you should have some-
thing that sets you apart from the competition and will appeal to
your target market. Then, you should drive home that image in ev-
ery piece of your marketing materials, including on your web sites
and blogs.
Designing an Attractive Marketing Packet
The first component of your shameless self-promotional campaign
is an attractive marketing packet that you can deliver to prospects
before meeting with them. You should have a standard packet for
prospective clients and put together custom marketing packets to
introduce yourself to reporters, potential partners, and other pro-
fessionals with whom you might want to team up.
Your marketing materials should all include your name, your
photo, and complete contact information, so people can get in touch
with you by phone, e-mail, web site, or blog. You want everyone to
be able to recognize you.
If you are artistic, you can design the marketing materials your-
self and take them to a local print shop to have them produced
in quantity. Otherwise, hire a graphic artist to draw up some de-
signs from which to choose. The proprietor of the print shop can