Page 142 - Social Media Marketing
P. 142

126 Walk Like a Giant, Sell Like a Madman

      producing and broadcasting a 30-second commercial on local
      or even national stations. The expense of producing and airing
      a commercial can vary greatly depending on the video produc-
      tion company and the advertising rates that stations charge.

  • Radio advertisement: Radio used to be a great way to get the
      word out, but it is becoming less attractive due to the popular-
      ity of satellite and Internet radio. Unfortunately, radio adver-
      tising rates have not declined to reflect the decline in listeners.

   • Newspaper advertisement: Taking out an ad in print publi-
      cations, including newspapers, magazines, and professional
      journals that your clients are likely to read, can give you a
      marketing boost. Just remember to create an attractive ad that
      promotes your brand and has a catchy headline.

   • Billboard: Although billboards are old-school, they can still be
      a very effective marketing tool. Keep in mind, however, that
      drivers have very little time to read anything you place on the
      billboard. Use an attractive design, which includes your photo
      and contact information, and keep your message short.

   • Internet advertising: Most of the big search engines offer pay-
      per-click (PPC) advertising, displaying ads on their own site
      and on partner sites for products and services. Rates vary
      depending on how much you are willing to pay to have a
      higher ad placement on the site. You pay only if someone
      clicks the ad. For more about PPC advertising, visit Google Ad-
      words at and Yahoo! Search Marketing at

 Tip: When preparing an advertisement, focus on a problem
 that prospective clients may have that you can solve, and try
 to make them curious enough to pick up the phone and call
 you. Every ad should contain a call to action, such as "Call
 Ralph Roberts at (586)751-0000" or "Visit!" or
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