Page 145 - Social Media Marketing
P. 145

Building a Brand through Shameless Self-Promotion 129

      want to get a second opinion from ABC Insurance, Inc., a com-
      pany you know of in town. This referral is not going to expand
      your business.
  • Right way: Same scenario; the customer mentions her insur-
      ance company. You realize that this is certainly a reputable
      company. You ask your customer if she has the name and con-
      tact information of the person she deals with at the insurance
      company. You call the insurance agent, introduce yourself, tell
      him you have met one of his clients, say that you would like to
      offer your services to him in the future, and tell him that you
      would appreciate it if he would send his clients your way, as
      welL You now have a new source for referrals.

Market through Existing Clients

When you've earned a customer's satisfaction, don't hesitate to ask
the customer to refer you to others who may need your products or
services. Supply your customer with a stack of business cards and
ask her to hand them out freely and call you if she needs more.

   Better yet, ask for the names and contact information for two or
three people your customer knows who may be in need of what
you're selling. If your customer can't think of anyone right off the
top of her head, ask whether you can call back in a couple days.
You may even offer the person some incentive to provide you with
referrals, perhaps a discount or rebate of some sort.

   The best time to ask a customer for a referral is when the person
thanks you for going above and beyond the call of duty. The per-
son says "thank you" probably because she has no better way of
showing her appreciation. Give her that better way by asking for a

 Tip: Host a customer-appreciation day once a year to show
 how much you value your clients. Most of your clients probably
 have children or grandchildren, so consider making it a family
 day at a local park or amusement park.
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