Page 196 - Social Media Marketing
P. 196

182 Walk Like a Giant, Sell Like a Madman

   • You feel alone and frustrated. You want to share ideas and
      get feedback before bringing those ideas to life, but you have
      nobody to bounce those ideas off of.

   • You have great ideas for improving your business, but you are
      missing the key skills and talents to implement those ideas.

   When you have more business than you can comfortably handle
by yourself, forming a team is almost a necessity. You are proba-
bly losing out on lucrative opportunities. The increased sales and
profits that will result from training and paying someone to pick
up the slack will probably more than cover the expense in time and

   Caution: Do not form a team unless you have enough
   work to keep the person busy enough to earn his or her own
   keep. Otherwise, you will end up paying the person for doing

                       Drawing up Your Team Roster

Before you start recruiting new team members, jot down a roster of
job titles you need to fill. If you can't come up with a list of job titles,
then write a comprehensive list of tasks you would like to delegate
to others and group the similar tasks. You can then assign a job title
to each task group. Following are some positions that sales teams
typically need to fill:

   • Sales Executives: More salespeople, some of whom may focus
      on particular markets or product lines.

   • Transaction Coordinator: The person who processes the trans-
      actions after the sales.

   • Accountant: The person in charge of payroll, accounts payable,
      accounts receivable, and producing various reports, such as
      profit and loss statements and balance sheets.
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