Page 197 - Social Media Marketing
P. 197

Building and Managing Your Own Sales Team 183

  • Marketing Director: The person who co-develops the market-
      ing program with the sales team leader, produces or coordi-
      nates the production of all marketing materials, and handles
      public relations and special events.

  • Director of First Impressions: Another name for your recep-
      tionist, this person answers the phone, greets customers as they
      enter your place of business, and handles some of the typing
      and filing.

   • Office manager: The person who runs the office and manages
      the team to ensure that everything operates smoothly.

                    Keeping Your Sales Team on Track

Although you may have an office manager or team manager who
coordinates activities, the success of the team rests squarely on
your shoulders. As team leader, you are the visionary who needs
to communicate the team's mission and make sure every member
of the team is doing whatever he or she can possibly do to fulfill
the team's mission. To keep your team on track, you are in charge
of the following:

  • Hiring and firing: You need to make sure that you are hiring
      the right people and smoothing their transition onto the
      team. You are also responsible for holding team members
      accountable for doing their jobs and releasing those who do
      not perform up to par.

   • Compensating team members: You need to develop a compen-
      sation package that is suitable for each position to help attract
      and retain the most talented, dedicated individuals without
      busting your budget.

  • Keeping an eye on the money: Although you may hire some-
      one to manage the daily accounting chores and hire an outside
      accountant to audit the books regularly, you need to keep
      an eye on the monthly reports to ensure that your team is
      pulling in sufficient revenue to cover expenses and generate
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