Page 194 - Social Media Marketing
P. 194

180 Walk Like a Giant, Sell Like a Madman

profits with the rest of the team, but the increase in commissions
was more than enough to cover the added expense. Perhaps best of
all, these salespeople had more time and energy for themselves and
their family, friends, and communities.

   Team-based agents are overwhelmingly more satisfied with their
careers and with their lives than are agents who work alone, pri-
marily because of the following benefits that teams deliver:

   • Increased personal productivity: Imagine how much more
      you could get done by having someone around to answer the
      phones, schedule meetings, sort your e-mail messages, orga-
      nize your office, and prepare sales reports.

   • Improved office efficiency: By focusing on generating sales,
      you can avoid most daily interruptions that tend to break your
      concentration and momentum. Each team member can special-
      ize in performing certain tasks more efficiently.

   • Increased sales and profits: As a salesperson, the more you
      sell, the more you earn. By focusing on sales instead of the
      million and one other things you need to do in a day, you can
      sell much more.

   • New opportunities: With the increased time and talent sup-
      plied by other team members, your are now better equipped
      to pursue new opportunities that you did not have the talent,
      knowledge, and expertise to pursue on your own.

   • More rewarding career: You can focus on the work you find
      most rewarding and enjoyable and outsource the rest. You no
      longer have to perform the unpleasant chores that sap your
      energy and enthusiasm.

   • Increased scalability: With a sales team, you can quickly scale
      up when sales are brisk and scale back during slow sea-
      sons, particularly if part of your team is comprised of virtual
      assistants, as discussed in Chapter 19, "Scaling Your Business
      with Virtual Assistants."

   • Improved customer service: You may have a mistaken notion
      that you serve customers better by doing everything yourself.
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